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Império do Divino Espírito Santo São Mateus

The impérios [Small Temples] are buildings aimed for the exhibition of elements of the Holy Spirit’s cult, namely the crown, the banner and the staffs.

In the parish of Urzelina, at the time of the Holy Spirit and Trinity, the traditional Mordomia takes place, with the difference that in the Holy Spirit the Mordomia is on Thursday and at Trinity it is held on Wednesday. In these days is served bread, cheese and wine to the whole population. In the Mordomia of the Holy Spirit also the Lupins are cooked Thursdays. On Saturday, at, both, Espírito Santo and Trindade, the traditional "bando" the traditional “bando” with decorated ox-waggons and two other persons riding a horse or a donkey happens on the street and goes through the parish reading various texts in the frame of social criticism/satire. The “bando” ends its route next to the church where soaked bread, cheese, lupines and wine at the “copeira” are distributed. On Sunday, there is the mass and the coronation, and holy spirit soups at lunchtime for the entire population. During the afternoon, at the “copeira” the sweet bread, cheese and wine are offered. On Sundays the brothers, that hold the crown, expose it to the public at the afternoon at the Império (small temple) where  sweets and drinks are offered.


Urzelina Velas
São Jorge