Império do Divino Espírito Santo
The impérios [Small Temples] are buildings aimed for the exhibition of elements of the Holy Spirit’s cult, namely the crown, the banner and the staffs.
This small temple was built in 1872. Just like in other locations of the island, Norte Pequeno also witnesses, during the Holy Spirit and Trinity festivities, the coronation and distribution of soups in honour of the divine Holy Spirit. But this parish presents some differences in the celebration of the Holy Spirit and Trinity. In the Sunday of the Pentecost, there is one single mordomo who, on the previous year, accepted to keep the crown so that, on the next year, the promise was kept, therefore holding all the responsibilities. On the Sunday of the Trinity, there are 10 mordomos, called the “society of the ten”. The Livestock festivity is emphasized on the Thursday before the Sunday of the Trinity, when the mordomos decorate the cows which shall be killed for meat for the soups and alms. These cows’ parade through the parish, together with music players, singers and the entire population present on that day.