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Fortaleza da Nossa Senhora da Conceição

Before 1518, in this location, there was a chapel devoted to N. Sra. Da Conceição, and a small fort, both destroyed by the sea in 1641 and 1606.

The Fort of Our Lady of the Conception was planned for construction on the reign of Sebastian of Portugal (1554-1578) but, most likely, the works began only in 1644 (John IV of Portugal - 1640-1656). In the construction of the island’s defence walls, the volcanic tuff was initially used. After the earthquake of 1757 and the floods of 1856, it was necessary to carry out the replacement of large pieces of tuff for basalt parameters.

Nowadays, the fort has been revitalized by the City Council of Velas as the Cultural Centre and Municipal Auditorium. It is consolidated and relatively preserved, maintaining the original layout in certain points.


Velas Edifício Auditório Municipal Rua Almirante Cândido dos Reis Velas
São Jorge