Fajã das Almas
Fajã das Almas is located in the Southern side of the São Jorge island, in the parish of Manadas, municipality of Velas, also known as Fajã do Calhau.
In 1891, the fajã had 78 inhabitants, but, throughout the years, this number has been significantly reduced, currently having about five permanent residents. However, thanks to its easy access, the number of reconstructions has increased, mainly carried out by emigrants.
This fajã contains two chapels, the Chapel of N. Sra das Almas, located in Barbós, and the Chapel of Santo Cristo, built in 1876. On 9 September 1880, the Chapel of Saint Christ burned, and its reconstruction was promoted by the Baron of Ribeiro and blessed on 14 January 1882.
Integrated in the protected area for the Management of Habits or Species of Fajã das Almas, it corresponds to a land area of about 97.1 ha, covering the Fajã das Almas’ slope. In this area, it is possible to find specimens of seabirds, such as the roseate terns (Sterna dougallii), the common terns (Sterna hirundo) and the Cory's shearwater birds (Calonectris borealis). Regarding the flora, you may find specimens of Tree Heath (Erica azorica), Azorean Candleberry Tree (Morella faya), and “pau-branco” (Picconia azorica).