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Basalto Horse Experience

Born from an immense love for horses and nature, BASALTO - Horse Experience found the perfect island for the adventure and leisure ridding - TERCEIRA ISLAND.

Our portuguese Lusitano Pure Bred horses take you to the very core of the Terceira island, right into the only visitable volcano in the world.

BASALTO's certified guides will show you the particularities of the azorean flora and fauna, azorean gastronomy and out of this world landscapes.

The Lusitano Horses are unique in making you feel free and safe. BASALTO will take care of all arrangements for your comfort.

Enjoy the azorean wilderness and volcanic nature viewed in between a horse's ears. 


Horse experience, horseback trails of diferente lengths according to the rider experience.


Rua Mártires da Pátria nº 39 9700-518 São Bartolomeu